Flute Pro Shop

Flute Pro Shop represents the best in flutes of all levels, piccolos, and harmony flutes. Our accessories are the best in the business. The curated sheet music collection is known for the highest publishing standards. The repair services offered at FPS are unparalleled.


Wilmington, DE







"PrimePay was recommended by our accountant. They use PrimePay themselves and it seemed only natural to trust our payroll with their choice! We are a very small business and yet we are treated as if we are their most important client."
Joan Sparks, Owner, Flute Pro Shop

Improve Customer Retention by Focusing on the Experience

Over 50 percent of PrimePay clients revealed they had a dream of opening their own business and followed through.

While the definition of the American Dream has continued to shift throughout different stages of economic uncertainty, one thing remains the same: the sensation of turning passions to profit is truly that, a sensation. Some may say you’ve reached the ultimate goal. But the key to maintaining and growing your ultimate goal is to make sure those passions stay true.  

Joan Sparks, owner of Flute Pro Shop in Delaware, exudes nothing but pride for her company and its standards. This specialty flute shop offers flutes, piccolos, harmony flutes, accessories and repairs at a service and expertise level that caters to all stages of a flutist’s career path.

For Sparks, her passion for delivering a unique customer experience is unlike anything else.

“It is a privilege to guide any flutist in their quest for a new instrument that will inspire, challenge and engage their musical dreams,” she explained.

Sparks makes sure that each new customer is fully engaged in the process.

“I love setting up the table in the trial room like a banquet, with the flutes set out in black velvet lined trays. The sound in the trial room is like that of a big hall, so each player can hear themselves with that perspective. We have enough room so parents, teachers, grandparents and siblings can sit in comfort and be a part of the process.” And she finds pure joy in this process. “In the end, when the flutist takes home the chosen flute, they cradle it in their arms and smile a dreamy smile, and that makes my day!”

How can you focus on your client’s experience to ensure they’re a customer for life? Here are some tips:


For small business owners who are stretched thin maintaining the daily operations to make the company survive, they often rely on employees to carry out the customer experience. Once you set a standard and a goal, continual training of your employees is key. And before you even get to this point, take extra care in knowing that you’re hiring employees who share the same values that you set forth for your business.

Ask questions:

How will you know for certain if you’re delivering the best possible experience to your clients or future clients? Ask them. Send out a quick survey to your email list


From the packaging of your products to the handwritten thank you note you send after a purchase, there are many ways you can insert your personality into the customer experience to make it outstanding.

Make integrity, character, honesty, and loyalty the cornerstone of your business plan: “Every person who walks into Flute Pro Shop is treated with consideration and dignity no matter their relative experience or talent. We view it as a privilege to work in a business that is all about beauty and bringing out the best in our clients,” said Sparks.  

Amazing customer service is your biggest marketing tool. By going above and beyond to deliver the ultimate customer experience, your clients will remain yours for life.

Learn more about our client, Flue Pro Shop, by clicking here. Find them on Facebook here.