“By using our own proprietary technology, which embraces automation, it helps us save over $1.5 million per year and reclaim over 30,000 HR Manager hours compared to organizations that don’t use any automation at all.”
Suzanne Fohl

Initial Challenges

  • Merging systems, people, and cultures following multiple acquisitions
  • Improving accuracy, quality, and currency of organizational data
  • Minimizing manual data entry and report generation
  • Increasing transparency in budget forecasting to enhance recruiting and job fulfillment


PrimePay used the PrimePay HR and payroll platform to aggregate data from across the newly-formed organization and automate data flow among systems used by various teams and departments. With greater transparency and real-time analytics about both the financial performance and workforce projections, HR can more effectively project and fill necessary roles across the organization while working within the budgetary guardrails requested by Finance.


  • Saves dozens of hours per week in manual data management
  • Eliminates duplicate data entry and improves accuracy across multiple HR, Accounting and Finance systems
  • Creates better alignment and improved collaboration between Finance and HR teams
  • Enables self-service capabilities to help manage the business effectively

Inside Our HCM: Team Stories

Discover how our team harnesses the power of our Human Capital Management tool with personal insights and success stories. Explore firsthand accounts that showcase the real-world impact of our solutions in action.

Suzanne Fohl

Chief Financial Officer


Jamie Press

SVP of Human Resources