What is Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS)?
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a scoring system intended to help employers determine the level of employee satisfaction and loyalty within their organizations. The system is based on the Net Promoter Score created by Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld, which measures customer loyalty.
The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) system is made up of a two-question survey. The first question asks employees to rate, on a scale from zero to ten, how likely it is they would recommend the organization as a place to work. The second is an open-ended question asking why they chose the rating they did.
How is the score generated?
Using the responses to the first question, the system generates a score by sorting ratings into three categories: promoters (ratings of nine or ten), passives or neutrals (ratings of seven or eight), and detractors (ratings of six or below). Promoters are highly satisfied employees who are likely to recommend your organization as a place to work. Passives are content employees who may not be entirely engaged. Detractors are unlikely to recommend their organization, indicating some level of dissatisfaction.
The percentage of detractors is subtracted from the percentage of promoters, and the final number reflects the organization’s Employer Net Promoter Score. Scores can range from +100 (all responses are promoters) to -100 (all responses are detractors).
What are the benefits of eNPS?
An effective eNPS survey guarantees employee anonymity so that they provide honest feedback. The benefits of eNPS include its tangible nature, ease of acquisition and understanding, and comparison capabilities. This scoring system enables organizations to understand how their employees feel about their work experience, identify areas of improvement based on keywords used by promoters and detractors, and track trends over time.
What’s the difference between NPS surveys and eNPS surveys?
NPS surveys and eNPS surveys differ in terms of their respondents. NPS surveys are sent to customers, while eNPS surveys are for employees. An NPS survey asks customers if they would recommend a product to their friends or family, while eNPS surveys ask whether or not the employee would recommend the company to friends and family. NPS surveys are usually connected with a specific customer and their data history within the company, while eNPS surveys are typically anonymous.
Although NPS and eNPS measure satisfaction rates from different groups, the scores are often correlated. A company with a high NPS probably also has a high eNPS, while a company with a low NPS might also have a low eNPS.
Frequent eNPS surveys, whether monthly, quarterly, annually, or otherwise, allow organizations to stay up to date and track trends over time to improve over time. As their eNPS goes up, they can use that score in recruiting materials to attract a higher caliber of talent to their workforce.