HR Business Partner

HR Glossary

What is an HR Business Partner?

An HR business partner is an experienced HR professional who collaborates with an organization’s senior leadership to drive a human resources agenda that aligns with business goals. This role differs from traditional HR work, where the focus is primarily on managing compliance and policy details. The HR business partner position concentrates on developing strategy and ensuring that HR departmental goals support the broader organizational strategy.

What’s the difference between an HR Business Partner and an HR Manager?

HR business partners and HR managers are two separate positions that represent different models of HR service within an organization. The HR manager is typically responsible for enforcing company policy and process administration while overseeing the HR department. In contrast, the HR business partner works in partnership with the senior leadership and the HR department to ensure that the HR strategy supports the overall organization’s objectives. It focuses on developing a human resources agenda that’s closely aligned with the broader organization’s strategy.

In summary, many organizations are adopting the business partner model to include HR professionals within the overall company strategy. The HR business partner works as an essential consultant, guiding the HR department in policy, process management, and compliance matters while leading strategic human resource initiatives. Working closely with the senior leadership team, the HR business partner ensures that human resource planning is integrated with the broader organization’s objectives.