Salaried Employee

HR Glossary

What is a Salaried Employee?

A salaried employee is one who receives a fixed salary for their work regardless of the number of hours they work. Typically, they are considered exempt employees from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA dictates the minimum salary required for salaried employees, which is currently at $23,600 per year ($455 per week). Companies that employ salaried workers must follow the FLSA’s requirements on overtime pay and minimum wages.

Working Hours of a Salaried Employee

The average salaried employee works between 40 to 50 hours a week, with only a minority exceeding those hours. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that about 10 million Americans in all industries work 60 or more hours per week.

Labor Laws for Salaried Employees

The US Department of Labor enforces around 180 federal laws that regulate workplace activities. The FLSA serves to cover areas such as overtime, minimum wages, child labor protection, and the Equal Pay Act for salaried employees.

Clocking In for Salaried Employees

If employers do not require it, then salaried workers need not clock in. The nature of a salaried employee’s work often entails working irregular hours, including odd and sporadic hours at the office, home, or while travelling for business.

Working Less than 40 Hours

When salaried employees work less than 40 hours a week, their employer should not deduct pay. However, if they take personal time not under sick or disability, their employer may reduce their vacation/personal time.

Working 60 Hours a Week

Exempt salaried employees who adhere to the FLSA and all state, local, or union overtime laws may work 60 or more hours per week. Some companies choose to pay exempt employees extra compensation through time-and-a-half, bonuses, or extra time off.

Hours of Work for Salaried Employees Employers typically expect their exempt salaried workers to work for 40 to 50 hours each week. The specific period may vary, depending on the job or the company.

Weekend Work for Salaried Employees

Salaried employees working during weekends are not entitled to extra pay. Employers must clearly communicate the need for weekend work and obtain an agreement with their employees.

Overtime Refusal for Salaried Employees

Salaried employees may refuse to work overtime, but it may violate the terms and conditions of their employment. Employers may also terminate employees who refuse to work overtime.